Wednesday, October 29, 2014

// : Bae : //

Story time:  So I'm hanging out with my man and while he's watching t.v. and I'm fumbling around in the kitchen not far away.  I call to him to ask where he put the can opener.  I yelled, "Eh Bae!"  He paused.  "Did you just call me Bae?"

...For anyone who knows me this is not a normal thing for me to say.  Yes, I blog about all these words our generation has become custom to using, but I also only use them in certain situations, mostly to make a joke...

So, I started chuckling and replied, "Yes" to Brandon (the Bran-man).  He was confused as to why I was calling him bae (because he thought it sounded stupid) and because had only seen such memes as...

Which I guess is how people use the word in memes now.  I however had never seen these.  I had always seen some like this....

This prompted me to look the meaning up on Urban Dictionary so I could show him the real meaning.  According to them, bae is also a Danish word for poop, or can be used as nick name for your lover such as baby or sweetie.

We both laughed.

The end.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Love you, Love your show

So most recently I was working during the Royals World Series Game, and as we ended a great game Friday night with a win, I paid out the majority of my customers.  One of them told me, as I handed back their credit card slip, "Thanks Danie!  Love you, love your show!"  I had never heard this expression before and it stuck in my head.  Later on the next night I went out to the bar to hang out and I was told the same thing by a man I had just met.  I stopped him and said, "What is this saying?  What does it mean?  And why is everyone saying this to me recently?"  A man sitting beside me (a regular at the bar my boyfriend tends at) said, "Oh, that's Johnny Dare from 98.9 The Rock".

I thought to myself how intriguing this saying was.  It was catchy and perfect for a show host to say.  I decided after that to look into this guy.  I am following him on Twitter and have visited his webpage on the Rocks website.  If you have some time I'd suggest listening to him or tuning in sometime between 5am to 10am Monday through Friday.  He has a good show, is funny, and entertaining.

Here is the link to his page
Johnny Dare

Hope you enjoy!