Friday, October 10, 2014

// : Can't Even : //

Definition: A phrase used to describe something you "can't even ____" fill in the blank.  Could be something you can't imagine, process, or do at the moment. Usually implying something that you can't handle at that point in time.

Uses: "Er mer ger, I can't even right now" -said I as my boyfriend held a kazoo hostage, playing it only to annoy me, on a car trip from Topeka to Lawrence.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

// : Twerk it : //

One of the newer words on the street these days is, "twerk" or "twerking".  You may have seen this done in a dance club or in a video online.  Many videos have been made due to "twerking fails" or more recently, "men twerking".  I have a friend who likes to do it upside down against a wall everywhere she goes.  It's her signature... She's classy, let me tell you.

Definition: A vulgar dance movement that involves moving your hips back and forth really fast, or thrusting thin air if you will.

Orgin: Miley Cyrus I'm pretty sure.


Twerking Fail
Men at Twerk
At this time it might feel as if I should share a video of the creator, Miley, twerking her tiny little a** off, but due to the fact that I think she is a little overdone, I will leave it at this.
Signing out,
Danimal :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

// : Schmidty : //

Definition: (verb) Used to describe someone who believes he/she is 'top dog'.  This person is normally arrogant in the fact that his/she is not as great as one believes.

Orgin: Created by yours truly in reference to the "New Girl" character, Schmidt, who plays a high maintenance roommate of four middle aged adults.  At times he can be somewhat shitty... hence the word "schmidty".

Uses: That was very schmidty of you.

And now, for those of you who have not seen the show, or those of you who have, please enjoy this compilation of "schmidty"remarks. :)

Monday, October 6, 2014

// : Photobomb : //

Definition: The act of someone or something interfering with a photo either by accident or on purpose.  (Side note, notice how it is one word?  Google corrected that.. I thought it was two.  Interesting...)

Uses: Practical jokes, or simply a fun perspective caught in a photo by accident.

Baby Bomber
Silly sea creature
And well... this one, hahaha.  I don't even have to explain!


// : Ratchet : //

Definition: Ugh... where do I begin?  This word's ORIGINAL use is to describe a TOOL used for working on cars. 

In recent times the definition has changed quite a bit.  A most commonly used definition for the word ratchet would be to describe someone who is trying to look fabulous, but is failing miserably.  ...Or people who hang out at Wal-Mart a lot...

Good Examples include:
Miley Cyrus' 2013 VMA's performance
Miley Cyrus' 2013 VMA's performance
Miley Cyrus' 2013 VMA's performance
Did I mention Miley Cyrus' 2013 VMA's performance?

In fact that was probably what set off the new meaning of the word.

Hope you all enjoyed!
Signing out,